About about the dream home…until it’s not!


It's always about THE DREAM HOME…

But what if it's not?

It's one of the most overused phrases on Selling Sunset and House Hunters. "I'm looking for my dream home."

But dreams change. Life happens and needs shift. And sometimes, we just can't afford our "dream home." So then what?

We put so much pressure on ourselves to find our dream home that we forget to look for the "right for me now" home.

So, what could that look like?

Maybe it means buying down instead of buying up. For example, buy a 2 unit rental home instead of a single-family home and live on one side, and rent out the other.

Or simply buy a smaller home. It may *feel* like you're buying "less house," but sometimes living in a home that requires less maintenance is a gift. You'll have less square footage to clean, less to maintain, and hey, maybe you could *actually* afford the neighborhood you've always dreamed of (even if your new home is smaller than your current home!)

Another option that I've talked to a lot of clients about lately is keeping their current mortgage (if they're locked in at a low rate!) and saving up to purchase a new primary home!  Your home with the lower rate could become a rental property and could even help offset the costs of your new mortgage!

Bottom line: sometimes we need to turn off the tv (sorry, Million Dollar Listing!) and get creative with our options. When you think more about a "right-for-me-now" home and less about a "dream home," you have so much more buying power and freedom to live the life you've been wanting!

If any of this is making your heart race because you're like, "Samantha, I want to do this!!" then email me the words DREAM HOME! We can set up a coffee date, have a long talk about YOU and your goals, and come up with a creative plan to get you there!

Here's to finding the perfect "right for me now" home! 🏡✨

Ready to start your house-hunting journey? Join my Future Homeowner Club for more tips, tricks, and personalized guidance! Because finding your dream home starts with the right support system. Let's make it happen together!


Samantha Haycraft - Your Modern Agent





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